Our Daily Bread https://odb.org/

The Baltimore-Washington Conference of The United Methodist Church is made up of 1,032 clergy and 164,779 lay members in 632 churches in Maryland, Washington, D.C., the panhandle of West Virginia and Bermuda.
Each Sunday, more than 59,231 United Methodists gather in this region for worship. Throughout the week, more than 210,238 people participate in local church ministries. Statistics indicate that in 2015, 1,325,311 people are served by local United Methodist ministries of outreach, justice and mercy. As a connectional church, the Baltimore-Washington Conference joins in ministry with 12 million United Methodists in churches around the world.
Our vision is to become fully alive in Christ and make a difference in a diverse and ever-changing world. The mission of the Baltimore Washington Conference is to inspire and equip local faith communities to develop disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. https://www.bwcumc.org/

This the BWCUMC channel that contains all the videos created by The Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference for its online church resource area: The BWC Ministry Toolbox. This is designed for church leaders—lay and clergy—who seek to improve their ministry.
Go to http://bwcumc.org/toolbox and search for the tool you need right now to build, tear-down or repair in the areas of Spiritual Leader Formation, Congregational Formation, Community Transformation or Administration & Operation. Additionally you may find inspiration in the Sermon Studio and take an e-Course or two.
Eventually—with your help—it will contain good answers to all of your ministry questions in a fully searchable format. https://www.youtube.com/@thebwcumc